The Curious Writer ★★★★★

You’ve seen the movies and the never-ending memes, but now the burlesque version of Shrek awaits your carnal desires.

Trigger Happy Productions brings you Shreklesque, which combines the storyline of Shrek combined with the art of burlesque and cabaret.

Following the story of Shrek 1 in chronological order with some references to Shrek 2 as well, the show features a seductive take on some of your favourite characters from the two movies.

Despite being well aware of what you’re in for, nothing can truly prepare your senses for what transpires during Shreklesque.

Shrek, performed by Trigger Happy, emerges on to stage from his swamp to All Star by Smash Mouth and reenacts the opening scene of Shrek 1, except this time with a lot more nudity, fan dancing, and tassel twirling.

It’s all Ogre once you’ve watched Shrek perform burlesque and you’ll find it extremely hard to erase such an image from your mind.

Read full review here


upside news adelaide ★★★★★